Notes on the specimen data

Species names

Species names follow Flora of New Brunswick on the whole. Some names have been changed since publication; so we recommend that you search both synonyms and older names for the species that interest you.

Historical constraints

Very old specimens may have the data on the label and very little additional information. In addition, old location names may not match with modern names, and may not show up in a search as expected.

For additional information on county boundary and geographic name changes in NB, please see the Maps page.

Geographic Precision

Two factors influence the precision ranking for the location: how precise the collector’s notes are (e.g. "on the corner of York and Regent Streets, Fredericton, NB" is very precise, and would be classed as "Category 1", or within 10 m.); and how confident the databaser is in their interpretation of the location is (e.g. "East shore of Grand Lake, New Brunswick" is fairly vague, so considered "Category 4" or within a 10 km. radius).